Vidin and the Baba Vida castle

Vidin is a small city in the North-Western corner of Bulgaria, on the bank of Danube.

Baba Vida castle
Baba Vida castle
Growth in the castle's stone wall
Growth in the castle's stone wall
Baba Vida castle
Baba Vida castle
City's floodwall
Kayakers on the Danube river
Kayakers on the Danube river
Old rowing base building
Old rowing base building
Felled trees at the bank
Overgrown road
Danube river minutes before the sunrise
Danube river minutes before the sunrise
The sun rises over the Danube
The sun rises over the Danube
Baba Vida castle at down
The castles bridge
The entrance to the Vidin's synagogue. A sign on the wall says “No tresspassing”
The entrance to the Vidin's synagogue. A sign on the wall says “No tresspassing”
Vidin's synagogue
Vidin's synagogue
One of the old town gates — Enachar kapia
One of the old town gates — Enachar kapia
A street in the Kaleto district — Vidin's old town
A street in the Kaleto district — Vidin's old town
A small church
The metal bike path at the Danube's embankment can act as a temporary floodwall
The metal bike path at the Danube's embankment can act as a temporary floodwall
One of the castle's towers
One of the castle's towers
The castle's courtyard
The castle's courtyard
In the castle

Published in by Vitalii Kovalenko, a web developer from Sofia, Bulgaria.

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